Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why is it sad to refer to the Angkor Period as the golden age for Cambodia?

I am sad when people refer to the Angkor period as the golden age of the Cambodian history for three main reasons.  First, because it makes me think that Cambodia’s present and future are less bright than the past. I believe that a great future is starting today if we put our faith in it. The Angkorian past is glorious but it is definitely behind us. The second reason is that there is an incredible development in Cambodia, it brings a lot of hope for the people, so, let’s hope that life in our country is going to get nicer and nicer for all. My last reason refers to Khmer people themselves. I just love the beautiful Khmer people who live in 2016. I am sure that their ancestors were just as great, but they are part of the history now. I wish that Khmer people believe in themselves and build a Cambodia at least as great as it was in the 12th century. Let’s decide that the new golden age for Cambodia is starting today, with the involvement of all Khmer people. I am sure that will make their “golden ancestors” so proud of them.